[book1] | K. Uehara, "Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Fuzzy Control," Practical Fuzzy-Control Engineering, Editorial Supervisor: T. Terano, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, pp. 15-39, 1991 (in Japanese). The English translations of the chapter and book titles are for convenience and are not official. The original ones in Japanese are as follows: 上原 清彦,「第2章 ファジィ制御の基礎理論」, 寺野 寿郎 監修『実用ファジィ制御技術』, 電子情報通信学会, pp.15-39, 1991. |
[book2] | K. Uehara, "Chapter 4: Fuzzy Systems Theory," Introduction to Intelligence Engineering, Editorial Supervisor and Author: K. Hirota, Shokodo, pp. 63-83, 1996 (in Japanese). The English translations of the chapter and book titles are for convenience and are not official. The original ones in Japanese are as follows: 上原 清彦, 「第4章 ファジィ理論」, 廣田 薫 編著『知能工学概論』, 昭晃堂, pp. 63-83, 1996. |
[book3] | K. Uehara and K. Hirota, “Chapter 11: Fuzzy Inference with Control Schemes for Fuzzy Constraint Propagation,” Fuzzy Theory Systems: Techniques and Applications, Volume 1, Editorial Supervisor: C. T. Leondes, Academic Press, pp. 267-290, 1999. |
[book4] | K. Uehara, "Fuzzy Inference Based on Similarity Measures," "Constraint-Propagation-Type Fuzzy Inference," Handbook on Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Editor-in-Chief: M. Mukaidono, Edition of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory, KYORITSU SHUPPAN Co., LTD., pp. 120-125, 2000 (in Japanese). The English translations of the chapter and book titles are for convenience and are not official. The original ones in Japanese are as follows: 上原 清彦,「類似性測度に基づいたファジィ推論法」「制約伝播型ファジィ推論法」, 向殿 政男 編集委員長『ファジィとソフトコンピューティング ハンドブック』(日本ファジィ学会編), 共立出版, pp. 120-125, 2000. |
[book5] | K. Uehara and K. Hirota, “Chapter 4: Fuzzy Connection Admission Control for ATM Networks,” Editors: W. Pedrycz and A. V. Vasilakos, Computational Intelligence in Telecommunications Networks, pp. 87-107, 2000. |